Portfolio: Hotels, Retail and Restaurants

One - Seven Dalton Street
Boston, MA
(Current Project) New construction of 58-story tower containing a Four Seasons luxury hotel and luxury condominimums. The project has approximately 290,000 square feet of hotel usage, with meeting rooms, ballroom, restaurant, café, pool, fitness center, and approximately 210 guestrooms. Additionally, the project includes a 561,000 square foot residential component with approximately 185 luxury residential units.
Architect: Cambridge Seven Associates, Inc., Cambridge, MA
Omni Resorts Grove Park Inn
Asheville, North Carolina
Substantial renovation of the century-old historic main building, encompassing multiple major renovations and restoration of the Great Hall, lobby, entry, restaurants, bars and corridors.
Architect: 3North, Richmond, VA
Project included renovations to guest bathrooms and addition of new restaurant space with vegetative roof to the Four Seasons Hotel in downtown Boston.
Architect: CBT/Childs Bertman Tseckares, Boston, MA
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